
Expert Insights: Best Practices for Handling Brook Taube Wells Notices1


A Wells Notice is a formal notification issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to individuals or firms indicating that the SEC staff intends to recommend enforcement action against them. This article explores the concept of a Wells Notice in the context of a specific case involving Brook Taube Wells Notice, shedding light on its implications and the potential outcomes.

What is a Wells Notice?

A Wells Notice is issued by the SEC when its staff has completed an investigation and intends to recommend enforcement action, such as a civil lawsuit or administrative proceeding, against the recipient. It gives the recipient an opportunity to respond before the SEC makes a final decision.

The Brook Taube Wells Notice

Brook Taube Wells Notice, co-founder of Medley Management Inc., received a Wells Notice from the SEC in 2018. The Wells Notice alleged that Taube and his firm had violated securities laws by making false statements and failing to disclose conflicts of interest.

Implications of a Wells Notice

Receiving a Wells Notice does not mean that the recipient is guilty of any wrongdoing, but it does indicate that the SEC staff believes there is sufficient evidence to recommend enforcement action. Recipients of Wells Notices have the opportunity to respond and present their case before the SEC makes a final decision.

Potential Outcomes

After receiving a Wells Notice, the recipient can choose to respond in writing, request a meeting with the SEC staff, or both. The SEC will consider the recipient’s response Brook Taube Wells Notice a final decision on whether to pursue enforcement action. Possible outcomes include no enforcement action, a settlement, or formal charges.


The issuance of a Wells Notice is a serious matter that should be taken seriously by recipients. It signals the SEC’s intent to pursue enforcement action and can have significant implications for individuals and firms involved. Understanding the Wells Notice process, as exemplified by the Brook Taube Wells Noti cecase, is crucial for anyone facing potential SEC enforcement action.

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